Wellness Warriors

Grades K-5
The issues: physical and mental health and wellness


Introduction: The Wellness Warriors

The audience meets one of the Wellness Warriors, the leader of a team of superheroes who fight for the mental and physical health and wellness of students just like them. The audience learns how to do the “help beacon”, which they’ll use to help characters throughout the play who are struggling either mentally or physically.

Scene 1: The Feeling Frenzies

Charlie is struggling with overwhelming emotions. The audience and superhero help by identifying how Charlie is feeling, talk about how feelings are valid as well as how they impact you physically, and discuss what adults you can ask for help when you feel overwhelmed.

Scene 2: The Distractinators

Jordan is having trouble focusing during remote learning. The audience and superhero help by recognizing the problem, learn how to get and stay focused, and talk about what adults are there to help you when you’re having trouble with homework or school.

Scene 3: The Malicious Mirror

Peyton is struggling with body image and feeling physically unwell. The audience and superhero help by talking about sleep, nutrition, hydration, exercise, moderation, and how physical health impacts your mental health. They help Peyton to make a plan for healthier choices in the future and discuss which adults to talk to about your physical health.

Scene 4: The Final Battle

Charlie, Jordan, and Peyton notice that their classmate Taylor seems to be having some of the same struggles that the superhero and audience helped them deal with. They decide to use what they’ve learned to help Taylor out and guide them to various adults around their school. The show ends with the return of the superhero, who invites all of the characters as well as the audience to join their superhero team as Wellness Warriors.

“Your presentation was one of the most professional, topical, and thoroughly enjoyable performances ever shown to our children.”
– Elementary School Teacher

Bring a Saltworks play to your students
and watch them use their imagination
to resolve conflict, reach out for new
healthy relationships, and discover
hope for their lives!